Frequently asked questions

How do I report a bug?

To report a problem with sett or if you have a question not covered in the present documentation please open an issue on our public GitLab repository

How do I know I am using a proxy?

On Windows, you can check if you are using a proxy server to access the Internet by going to Start > Settings > Network & Internet > Proxy (Windows 10). If the slider under Use a proxy server is “off”, no proxy is being used.

If you are told that you need to set a proxy, input the Address and Port details and click Save. When in doubt, please consult your IT department.

On Mac OS the proxy information is located under the System Preferences > Network > Advanced > Proxies tab of the network interface, usually Ethernet or Wi-Fi.

How do I run sett behind a proxy?

In order to run sett behind a proxy, the shell environment variable ALL_PROXY or HTTPS_PROXY must be set. This is the recommended and global way to specify a proxy. Note that, while certain programs support a proxy option (e.g. pip with --proxy), there is currently no such option in sett.


ALL_PROXY=https://host.domain:port sett-gui
Does sett generate logs?

Yes, it does. sett logs are stored in the following locations:

  • Linux: ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/ch.biomedit.sett/log or $HOME/.local/share/ch.biomedit.sett/log
  • macOS: $HOME/Library/Application Support/ch.biomedit.sett/log
  • Windows: {FOLDERID_RoamingAppData}\ch.biomedit.sett\log

Log files are rotated daily and named according to the following format: <date>.<app>.jsonl. For example, 2024-08-29.sett-gui.jsonl and 2024-08-29.sett.jsonl for GUI and CLI applications respectively.

Each line within the log file is a JSON object corresponding to a single logging event.

TUI: Why can’t I see all user interface components?

The interactive TUI mode of sett requires a terminal window with a minimum size of 68 x 32 (columns x rows). For the best experience, we recommend using a terminal window that is at least 120 x 48.

If your terminal window is too small, some user interface components may not be visible. To resolve this, increase the size of your terminal window until the interface displays correctly.

TUI: How do I fix an unresponsive password prompt?

This issue occurs when unlocking an OpenPGP key stored in the GnuPG keyring while using pinentry-curses, a terminal-based password input program (pinentry).

To fix this, try one of the following solutions:

  • Switch to a graphical pinentry program, such as pinentry-gtk, pinentry-gnome3, pinentry-qt5, or pinentry-mac.
  • Migrate your key to the Sequoia key store (the default keyring used by sett) and remove it from the GnuPG keyring.