Authenticated Mode
Why authenticated mode?
In order to simplify the data transfer process, sett offers an authenticated mode. Once the user is authenticated, the following functionalities are offered:
- list of available DTR (data transfer request) for the logged-in user
- package verification is always enforced
- data transfer from and to a BioMedIT S3-type object storage without entering credentials
Device authorization flow explained
The authenticated mode in sett implements a so-called device authorization flow, an authorization mechanism usually used by electronic devices with internet connection that lack any input capacities. In both the CLI and GUI of sett, the user is asked to visit a specific website (an OIDC provider) to identify himself. While the user is logging in, the device (in our case: sett) is periodically polling the website, until the user has successfully logged in. sett then receives a JWT token (JSON Web Token) from the OIDC provider, which allows it to fetch additional data from Portal, e.g. the list of available data transfers for the logged-in user, as well as the credentials used for transferring data to and from the S3 object storage.
The diagram below illustrates how this device authorization flow works in sett when requesting the list of available DTRs or when up/downloading data.

Device authorization flow as implemented by sett
- CLI: Command Line Interface. This is how sett is used in a terminal.
- GUI: Graphical User Interface. E.g. the standalone sett application that runs in its own window.
- S3 object storage: the database that (temporarily) stores all sett packages. Every node runs its own storage. S3 stands for Simple Storage Service and was originally developed by Amazon.
- SFTP: Secure File Transfer Protocol. The legacy way to transfer data.
- OIDC provider: an system that redirects a user to Switch edu-ID to authenticate himself. It can issue tokens which allow sett to fetch information on behalf of the user. It plays a crucial role in implementing the device authorization flow. OIDC stands for Open ID Connect.
- JWT token: a piece of structured data which contains information about an authenticated user. It is signed, so a third party (in our case: Portal) can verify the integrity of its content. JWT stands for JSON Web Token.