BioMedIT Training

Information Security Awareness Training

Information Security Awareness Training


In order to make use of the secure research environments within BioMedIT, we require users to take two security courses on responsible use of health data, and more specifically on responsible use of BioMedIT. These courses include built in quiz questions which must be answered to complete the course.

- Target audience: Data Managers, research project members
- Enrollment: Automatic via this link
- Enrolled users: > Go to the course

If your organization is not affiliated with SWITCH edu-ID (AAI), send us a request for access via email to

Getting started with BioMedIT

This training series is intended for new users to get started with the BioMedIT network.

sett for beginners

sett for beginners


These modules provide an overview of sett (secure encryption and transfer tool) and hands-on knowledge for performing the most frequent operations using sett.

- Target audience: Data Managers, Data Providers
- Documentation: sett User Guide

> Go to the course

BioMedIT Training series role based

Guide for Data Providers

data managers
This guide assists users from data-providing institutions in managing end-to-end encrypted data transfers, covering everything from requirements to processes and operations.

- Target audience: Data Providers

> Go to the course

Guide for Data Managers

data providers

These modules give data managers of research projects an overview of how to get started with BioMedIT, from the onboarding requirements to the daily operation.

- Target audience: Data Managers

> Go to the course

Guide for Permission Managers

permission manager

Covers the what user roles are in BioMedIT and how to manage project users in the BioMedIT Portal.

- Target audience: Permission Managers

> Go to the course