Data Transfers

In the Data Transfers menu option:

DTR Approval status

The approval status of a DTR is displayed in the last column of the table:

  • INITIAL: The DTR was submitted, but it has not yet been approved by the Data Provider and/or the BioMedIT node(s).
  • AUTHORIZED: All approval groups have authorized the DTR.  The Data Provider can now send the data.
  • EXPIRED: The Data Provider sent the maximum allowed number of data packages, and no additional data can be sent under this DTR ID
  • UNAUTHORIZED: The DTR was previously authorized but is currently unauthorized for some reason (i.e., The BioMedIT Node is offline, problems with user permissions, issues on the Data Provider's end, etc.)

Additional details about which group approved when are shown when clicking on a specific DTR. See approval details

Data Transfer details

When clicking on a particular DTR, a pop-up window shows additional information

DTR’s details are accessible using the following link structure:

Details tab

Displays the attribute values of the DTR, as submitted by the project’s data manager:

  • Project: Name of the project
  • Transfer ID: Unique DTR identifier
  • Data Provider: the Data Provider code
  • Status: Approval status of the DTR
  • Max Number of packages: 1 (single transfer) or UNLIMITED (multiple data transfers)
  • Transferred Packages: Count of packages sent so far under this DTR ID
  • Requestor: Name of the Data Manager that submitted the DTR
  • Data Specification: link to the Data Specification
  • Purpose: TEST (for mock data) / PRODUCTION (for patient real data)
  • Legal Basis: Legal agreement (i.e. DTUA, DTPA) document name

Approvals tab

Displays the current approval status of a DTR.

Logs tab

Displays the individual data packages transfer logs - routing information and whether the data has arrived to the project workspace.

For each data package we display the following information:

  • Package Name: the filename of the data package
  • Sender: information about the user who signed the data, including (at least) their fingerprint
  • Recipient: information about the user(s) for whom the data was encrypted, including (at least) their fingerprint
  • Sent: the date and time when the data package was sent by the sender and received on the landing zone
  • Deleted: the date and time when the data package was deleted from the landing zone

Approving DTRs

When the DTR is submitted by a project’s Data Manager, the groups involved in the data transfer will receive a notification by email with all the details, for their information or for their action (request for approval), depending on the case, as explained below.


Subject: BioMed-IT Portal: [For Information] DTR-999 - Data Transfer Request from ‘Universitätsspital ABC’ to ‘SIB’ project

Dear Universitätsspital ABC,

We have received the following Data Transfer Request (DTR-999) from the sib_project Project:

Please note that Data Provider approval will only be available upon completion of approvals from the Nodes, DCC (Data Specification), ELSI Help Desk.

If you have any questions or need support, please contact

Kind Regards,

BioMedIT Team


When a DTR is submitted by a Data Manager to a research project, the following approvals must be collected:

1. Node(s) Approval: As data processors, the involved node(s) must confirm the presence of a pre-existing legal basis for the data transfer and ensure that the necessary technical infrastructure is in place to support it.

2. Legal Compliance Approval: For SPHN/NDS projects, facilitated by the DCC ELSI Help Desk group who verifies the existence of a legal basis (e.g., DTUA, Consortium agreement) for the data transfer. For non-SPHN projects, a dedicated local Legal Compliance group may be optionally configured.

3. DCC Data Specification Approval: For SPHN projects, the DCC will review and approve the data specification documents referenced in the ‘Data Specification’ link. This process ensures the compliance with the SPHN Semantic Interoperability Framework.

Only when the above groups, (1), (2) and (3) confirm their approval, the DP Coordinator is requested to submit theirs:


To: DP Coordinator
Subject: BioMed-IT Portal: [Action needed] DTR-999 - Data Transfer Request from ‘Universitätsspital ABC’ to ‘SIB’ project

Dear Universitätsspital ABC ,

You are kindly requested to review and approve or reject the Data Transfer Request associated with the SIB project by using the following Data Transfer Request Approval form:

Below are the details of the Data Transfer Request (DTR-ID):

If you have any questions or need support, please contact

Kind Regards,

BioMedIT Team

By clicking on the link in the email above (<DTR_ID>), DP Coordinators will be redirected to the BioMedIT Portal to approve or rejects the request.

To approve the DTR, click on APPROVE and declare, by clicking on the checkboxes, if:

  • All technical measures are in place to send the data
  • There is an existing legal basis for the Data Transfer
  • This data delivery has been approved through internal governance processes

Then, click on APPROVE.

To reject the DTR, click on REJECT and provide a reason for the rejecting. Then, click on REJECT.

When all approvers approve the request, the DTR status changes to AUTHORIZED, and data can then be transferred. Notification emails are sent to all parties involved in the data transfer:

Subject: BioMed-IT Portal: [For information] DTR-999 - Data Transfer Request from ‘SIB Data Provider’ to ‘SIB Project’ project is approved

Dear All,

Clearance has been granted to transfer data in accordance with DTR 999 for project SIB Project (sib_project).

The DP Data Engineer from SIB Data Provider is now authorized to encrypt, sign, and transfer the data package(s) using the sett tool according with the agreed procedures to the SIS node. Detailed instructions on how to use sett can be found at

The transferred data will be in accordance with the specification outlined here:

Upon completion of the data package transfer, please inform the Project’s Data Manager(s), Patricia Fernandez (, so that they can confirm the reception, integrity, and successful decryption of the data package in the B-space.

For any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact

Kind Regards

BioMedIT Team

Approval log:

If any of them rejects the DTR, its status is set to UNAUTHORIZED.

Download data transfer list

By clicking on the download icon at the top-right corner, users can download the list of DTRs in csv format.